N° 145 - september 2021
Niches for a transition as a space for renegotiating the energy system: The case of self-consumption
Élodie Gigout, Julie C. Mayer & Hervé Dumez,
i3-CRG, École Polytechnique, CNRS, IP Paris
Managing public research: Defending independence and continuity
Jean-Yves Ottmann,
Paris-Dauphine University PSL.
The persistence and resilience of illegal access to cultural contents: Perseverance and exits in pirates’ careers
Par Anthony GALLUZZO
Université de Saint-Étienne
Coaching: Exploring a practice
Magali Ayache,
Thema, CY Cergy-Paris University;
Hervé Dumez,
CRG-i3, École Polytechnique, CNRS, IP Paris
Artificial intelligence: between science and market- Some socio-historical elements to better understand a strange scientific experiment (1956-1990)
Jean-Sébastien VAYRE,
Université Côte d’Azur
Jean-Marc Weller:
“The office, a world in sitting: On Pascal Dibie’s Ethnologie du bureau. Brève histoire d’une humanité assise” (Paris: Métailié 2020).
Jane Kassis-Henderson:
“What about reintroducing ‘culture’ in ‘intercultural’?
On Philippe d’Iribarne, Sylvie Chevrier, Alain Henry, Jean-Pierre Segal & Geneviève Tréguer-Felten’s Cross-Cultural Management Revisited: A Qualitative Approach (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020).
Christophe Deshayes:
“What if deglobalization marked the end of the alarming expansion of the Big Four (GAFA)? On François Lévêque’s Les entreprises hyper-puissantes, Géants et Titans, la fin du modèle global? (Paris: Odile Jacob, 2021).