Launch of the annual Gérer & Comprendre online English language edition
To our English-speaking readers,
The Annales des Mines have been a review of high standing in the francophone fields of scientific research and economic activities for now more than two centuries. It is formed of three quarterly series : Gérer & Comprendre (an academic review), Réalités Industrielles and Responsabilité & Environnement.
We have decided to make our review known not only to the anglophone world, but also to all those who do not master French but would like to benefit from our analyses and research articles.
One important step in that evolution is the launch, in November 2016, of the Gérer & Comprendre online English language edition. This new series will be published each year with the previous year’s Gérer & Comprendre articles that have been selected by our Editorial Committee as the most appropriate for an English translation.
We hope that you find it an interesting and simulating read !
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