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Responsatilité & Environnement - N° 95 - Juillet 2019 - Quel équilibre futur pour l'offre et la demande d'énergie ?

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N° 95 - Juillet 2019 - Quel équilibre futur pour l'offre et la demande d'énergie ?

Future of Oil in a Low-Carbon World

Vice-President, Corporate Strategic Planning, Exxon Mobil Corporation


Our world faces a dual challenge: meeting growing demand for energy while reducing environmental impacts, including the risks of climate change. This is a global issue that requires the collaboration of governments, industries, consumers and other stakeholders.
From reducing the environmental impact of our operations, to developing advanced products that help our customers reduce their emissions, ExxonMobil is committed  to doing our part. We are investing in next-generation technologies such as carbon capture and storage and advanced biofuels from algae. We have been vocal in our support for the Paris Agreement, an important framework for addressing the risks of climate change.
Each year we produce an Outlook for Energy, our view of energy demand and supply through 2040. We use the Outlook to help inform our long-term business strategies and investment plans. The below highlights some of the key takeaways from our most recent Outlook, and the actions we are taking as the world shifts toward a lower-carbon energy system.


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N° 95 - July 2019 - What future equilibrium for the supply and demand of energy?

Future of Oil in a Low-Carbon World


T.J. Wojnar Jr,
Vice President, Corporate Strategic Planning, Exxon Mobil Corporation


Our world faces a dual challenge: meeting growing demand for energy while reducing environmental impacts, including the risks of climate change. This is a global issue that requires the collaboration of governments, industries, consumers and other stakeholders.
From reducing the environmental impact of our operations, to developing advanced products that help our customers reduce their emissions, ExxonMobil is committed to doing our part. We are investing in next-generation technologies such as carbon capture and storage and advanced biofuels from algae. We have been vocal in our support for the Paris Agreement, an important framework for addressing the risks of climate change.
Each year we produce an Outlook for Energy, our view of energy demand and supply through 2040. We use the Outlook to help inform our long-term business strategies and investment plans. The below highlights some of the key takeaways from our most recent Outlook, and the actions we are taking as the world shifts toward a lower-carbon energy system.


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Les Annales des Mines

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