La série Responsabilité & Environnement publie trimestriellement des dossiers thématiques sur des sujets concernant les risques, le développement durable ainsi que l’énergie et les matières premières. Piloté par un spécialiste du secteur sous l’égide du Comité de rédaction de la série, chaque dossier présente une large gamme de points de vue complémentaires, en faisant appel à des auteurs issus à la fois de l’enseignement et de la recherche, de l’entreprise, de l’administration ainsi que du monde politique et associatif.
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N° 87 - Juillet 2017 - Transition numérique et transition écologique

Accelerating Energy & Environmental Transition in Europe through digital

Director I24C
Vice-President Energy & Utilities
Manager Energy & Utilities Capgemini Consulting  (1)


Digitalization is becoming ubiquitous in the energy sector, enabling a more decentralized energy system and blurring the traditional energy sector boundaries, with more integration with buildings, mobility solutions and industry. Digitalization is accelerating the pace of the energy transition, mainly thanks to three levers: 1) enhancing customer interaction with the energy system, 2) optimizing operations, and 3) enabling new business models for traditional energy actors as well as opening up space for new entrants from other sectors and energy startups. Digital technologies are also facilitating a cost-effective, clean energy transition, mainly by increasing energy efficiency and flexibility, as well as enabling the integration of renewable electricity into smart(er) grids and developing low-carbon solutions.
This article gives a brief overview of the digitally-enabled innovations in Europe’s energy markets and how various players are positioning themselves to take advantage of these opportunities. It concludes by highlighting some of the policy issues this transformation raises and the challenges ahead for European businesses to reap the benefits.


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N° 87 - July 2017 - The digital and environmental transitions

Accelerating Energy & Environmental Transition in Europe through digital


Julia Reinaud,
Director I24C,
Nicolas Clinckx,
Vice-President Energy & Utilities,
Paul Faraggi,
Manager Energy & Utilities Capgemini Consulting


Digitalization is becoming ubiquitous in the energy sector, enabling a more decentralized energy system and blurring the traditional energy sector boundaries, with more integration with buildings, mobility solutions and industry. Digitalization is accelerating the pace of the energy transition, mainly thanks to three levers: 1) enhancing customer interaction with the energy system, 2) optimizing operations, and 3) enabling new business models for traditional energy actors as well as opening up space for new entrants from other sectors and energy startups. Digital technologies are also facilitating a cost-effective, clean energy transition, mainly by increasing energy efficiency and flexibility, as well as enabling the integration of renewable electricity into smart(er) grids and developing low-carbon solutions.
This article gives a brief overview of the digitally-enabled innovations in Europe’s energy markets and how various players are positioning themselves to take advantage of these opportunities. It concludes by highlighting some of the policy issues this transformation raises and the challenges ahead for European businesses to reap the benefits.


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N° 87 - Julio 2017 - Transición digital y transición ecológica

Accelerating Energy & Environmental Transition in Europe through digital


Julia Reinaud,
Director I24C,
Nicolas Clinckx,
Vice-President Energy & Utilities,
Paul Faraggi,
Manager Energy & Utilities Capgemini Consulting


Digitalization is becoming ubiquitous in the energy sector, enabling a more decentralized energy system and blurring the traditional energy sector boundaries, with more integration with buildings, mobility solutions and industry. Digitalization is accelerating the pace of the energy transition, mainly thanks to three levers: 1) enhancing customer interaction with the energy system, 2) optimizing operations, and 3) enabling new business models for traditional energy actors as well as opening up space for new entrants from other sectors and energy startups. Digital technologies are also facilitating a cost-effective, clean energy transition, mainly by increasing energy efficiency and flexibility, as well as enabling the integration of renewable electricity into smart(er) grids and developing low-carbon solutions.
This article gives a brief overview of the digitally-enabled innovations in Europe’s energy markets and how various players are positioning themselves to take advantage of these opportunities. It concludes by highlighting some of the policy issues this transformation raises and the challenges ahead for European businesses to reap the benefits.


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Les Annales des Mines

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